Loot Happens

Loot Happens negotiates with game studios, marketing agencies, indie developers and mobile studios to get amazing stuff for our subscribers. This could manifest itself as full access Steam keys or an exclusive code for in-game currency.

Our games and offerings vary from PC, mobile, to PlayStation, Switch and Xbox. So here's how this works:


By signing up as a premium subscriber, you get everything full stop. All the game keys, in-game loot, and whatever else we can secure. In general, we provide an average of $30 of value for your $4 subscription. This comes in the form of a weekly newsletter with everything packed in. You can easily cancel anytime.

If you are interested in our free subscription, you still have a chance to get game keys in the way of giveaways where we can randomly select one or two winners. You also get our great editorial content and other exclusive items.

Weekly delivery

In it's purest form, Loot Happens is a weekly newsletter. In addition to the goods, we include in-depth reviews, upcoming games to look forward to, and historically low prices on great games.

More Leverage

The bigger Loot Happens becomes, the more clout we have in our negotiations with game companies. Granted, we have plenty of those relationships now but as the subscriber base grows, our leverage continues to increase. If you love what we are offering, consider sharing it.


Each newsletter is also posted to our website as an article with commenting and interactive elements. Our newsletter/content is only available to subscribers.

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Loot Happens negotiates with game studios, marketing agencies, indie developers and mobile studios to get amazing stuff for our subscribers.

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